Reaction's to Incredible To Me Now

Love your music, you have a great voice! I’ve started my adding you to my most popular playlist called Billboard Top Hits & Indie
- Susan Moss
MoonDreams Music & playlist curator
very beautiful song, love the video also
- Thelma Lowie
Thank you for sending through your music. They both sound great! We can definitely add them to our indie rotations.
- Harry
Hobohut Radio
Thank you for letting us listen to your song. It sounds great. We have added to one of our playlists
- AndresM
🔥Thanks for your great music 🎼 🔥
Hey Mik, I really like that one and will give it a spin on my show soon.
- Katie Purvis
JOY 94.9 FM
Très belle chanson
- Claude Spalding
(Re: Incredible To Me Now video)
Bravo ! superbe voix ! beau travail ! Nous avons le plaisir d'intégrer votre titre à notre playlist "Top Discovery" , vous pouvez nous contacter par mail, nous aimerions créer une publication sur nos réseaux sociaux, ainsi que sur notre site
Hey your song is dope I like the vibe I just added it to Strings playlist and followed you on Spotify so I can listen to some more of your songs for other playlists so keep the great songs coming
- DJ 6Rings
Love your music.
Great song. Added to the playlist.. Feel free to send me anything else you think I might like
- Zevy Jones
Fire Playlist
Love it!
(The acoustic version of "Incredible To Me Now")
Great song construction Mik, Also what a cool and inspirational story behind your release of the track.
Roland S style introspection on Incredible To Me Now by @miksreaction
- @Dialling_Paradise_Radio
I checked out your music back when you were building your playlist and really enjoyed “Incredible To Me Now” so I added it to our AMP: Fresh Cuts Station (Pandora). I also noticed that it was eligible to be featured so I went ahead and set that up
- Jamie
very nice version to your other one, found myself singing along to it lol
- Monzilla_music
Lovely song 😊
- Rich Green
Great performance, you managed to get a good live sound too.
(on the acoustic version of "Incredible To Me Now")
- theblindfoldexperience
Beautiful song ❤️
- Monzilla_music
This is a very pretty song. I love the chorus.
- Kooda Dyed
Commenting on the acoustic version of "Incredible To Me Now"
Thanks for the submit, great work!
- Indie & Alternative playlist
Thank you for sharing your music with us. I have listened to it and love it.
It will be added to our playlist.
- Cedar 104 Radio
South Africa
Great song
- Rich Green
Great song and video, love the production!
- theblindfoldexperience
Great work here, sounding great!
- CurtisBreeze
Great work! I lovely it.
- Lemmy Bergland
Ukrainian singer-songwriter
Love the mellow guitar parts.
- Paulo
Kooda Dyed
Great song.. we added to our playlist.
- Jonny Pena
Top Tracks playlist
We really dug your track
- MySphera
Musical Tastemakers
YOU HAVE AN INCREDIBLE VOICE! This was so good! added!
- William Sansbury has added "Incredible To Me Now" to his playlist, which has a very cool name "Indie Visible"
G’day Mik,
Love it mate …. Yes, I grabbed a copy from AMRAP and will play it my show this week …
I will plug it a bit, I hope Incredible To me Now does well for you …
Btw .. my show is Prime Rock, on The Voice Of The Valley, 89.5FM in Canberra
- Greg Hayward
congrats on your first ever upload. Lots of ability and circumspection on display with this one. Go well.
- Max Quinn
Triple J Product Manager
Ex Unearthed Community Producer
I listened to your track and I really really enjoyed it! Honestly it was very pleasant to listen to
Felt like I was a main character in a montage of a movie haha
- theyeahnahgod
...wanted to congratulate you on the single.
Really enjoyed listening to it!
- Cartel Management Australia
Dejavuu — 08/28/2021
Loving the vibe on this one :ocean:
chelsisherrell — 08/28/2021
@Dejavuu and @Rylan I agree! this is very chill. Can definitely see this as an ending credit to a love movie :blush:
- "Reactions" from
I think you have a deep and evocative voice that foregoes your age. It is warm and rich. which helps supplement the acoustics. I think it is a good strong start.
- Anselm
Rockstar Poetics
You just did wonderful, MIK, and keep up the great work!
-Eric Alper
Publicist I Music Commentator I Shameless Idealist
I really liked your music, love the song vibe and the energy.
- Fernz
we love this one!
- Chill Trap Records
HIs voice is as big as the sky in the video's footage. Very full and resounding and deep.
- Linden
This is amazing, loving the vibe and the emotional depth of the lyrics.
- Nathan Clay
Youtube playlist curator
Nice work, good clip too.
- Brendan Gallagher
Karma County & The Dead Marines
Good on you Mik!
- Dune Smith
Man this is really underrated! Keep up the good work ✨🔥❤️
- That Lame Guy
We've listened to your song and we can only say one thing, congratulations!

Front Cover by Lay-Z-Owl