Dangerous Indie Playlists
MIK’s Reaction: The Dangerous interview
Two Aussies walk into a bar… Dangerous Indie’s Corinna Jane and songwriter/multi-instrumentalist MIK of MIK’s Reaction sit down for a bevvy and a bit of a natter.
- G’day, MIK! What a pleasure to interview a fellow Aussie. Let’s use all the classic Australian lingo and confuse people. I’m keen as to hear about the “life and times of MIK’s Reaction” – go for it!
G’day. Well, seeing as we’re going with the Aussie-ism’s, ‘Ow Ya Goin’?
- Grouse, mate! Tip top.
The life and times of MIK’s Reaction is a fairly short story but I can drag it out for you, no worries.
At the age of 57, I realised I’d never ride through Paris in a sports car… Sorry, that’s The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan…
- You dag!
Sorry, at 57 and going through another COVID-inspired lock-down, I thought: If I don’t release some of my music now, I may never do it. I have always loved music and was in bands as soon as I could put one together. In my late 20’s we still hadn’t been ‘discovered’. So, the rest of the band all went off to get married and have babies, and I kinda thought, well, that didn’t happen – Fuck! …But it was always there nagging in the back of my mind.
One day, I stumbled upon an old friend online. He is about 8 years older than me and had been a bit of a musical inspiration to me when I was 18. He was making music and had been forever.
I thought, that’s it! I’m doing it. I haven’t got the money for it and I doubt anybody will ever hear my tunes, but I need to hear what my songs sound like when they’re professionally produced.
The musical gods smiled upon me and I found a studio that is literally 10 minutes walk from me!
I live on the Central Coast of NSW; they are quite rare around here. The producer/engineer of Lakehouse Audio, Simon Dobson, is not only one of the nicest guys you are ever likely to meet, he is a brilliant producer who has made my music sound better than I ever imagined it could.
- Sounds like you struck gold! And the personnel?
As for the band, I am the band. Except for the occasional keyboard bit or percussion added by Simon, I play all the instruments. Some better than others, ha ha! In fact, I didn’t even know I could play harmonica until Simon told me I could.
- Alright, I have to ask: What’s the go with your band name?
I thought it was funny. You know; MIK’s Reaction – mixed reaction – hilarious, right? Okay, my sense of humour might not be the same as everyone else’s. I’ve always punned around with my name. I once had a confectionery business called Mick’s Nuts – there’s a triple entendre for you.
- I’d say you’re veering into ‘Dad joke territory’ but you’re bigger than me…. Moving on to a safer topic: Any proud career moments?
I set out with an extremely modest goal; I wanted someone I didn’t know and who didn’t want something from me, to tell me they liked my music. That was it. If I got that, then I’d be happy because I’m basically just doing this for myself anyway.
So, one day that happened! And I was elated. You’d have thought I’d won a Grammy. Then it happened a few more times, and I thought, maybe my music is good? I’m sure everyone thinks their own music is good but how can you really know until that happens?
I wasn’t going to stop there. I put in hours promoting my music, sending it out to Spotify playlist curators, bloggers and radio, etc. I was getting on quite a few playlists but the next goal I set was to be played on radio. Hearing a song that you wrote and performed being played for the first time on the radio is a surreal experience! I’m not ashamed to tell you that I recorded the programme, and I actually posted it on Soundcloud because the DJ’s comments were so kind. I’ve since been played on stations all over Australia and a few overseas countries as well, but that first time was a big highlight for me.
I keep setting new goals and my latest one came to fruition just recently. 6 months after releasing my first song, Incredible To Me Now, I released another 2 songs, and the total plays for all songs passed the 100,000 mark! I never thought I would see that - I was happy when I passed the 100 plays mark!
I’ll set more goals and keep pushing my songs, but I have already done so much better than I ever could have hoped.
- So that the readers can check it out, what’s your latest release, MIK?
My latest release is called Sanks Very Much. Yes Sanks, not Thanks. It is a comedy song about how much I hate people coming to my door to sell me stuff, including religion. It comes with a 110% hilarity guarantee (no responsibility taken for the use of a percentage which doesn’t actually exist). Simon and I had so much fun making this song and I had a ball creating the video. I play all the parts in the video, from an over the top ‘god-botherer’, to a very cranky baby. Unbelievably, on the day I was making the film clip, a guy came to the door selling roller blinds – I kid you not!
- Life imitating art, surely! So, why music? What’s the appeal?
I guess most musicians would say that it means everything to them, and I totally get that. Singing along to my parent’s records is one of my earliest memories.
Lucky for me they had great taste: The Moody Blues, Cat Stevens (Yusuf now), JJ Cale, Wings and more. I think it also meant that I grew up with a love of a wide range of genres. I had no idea what a genre was - if the music was good then I loved it and I sang it like I was Neil Diamond at the Greek Theatre, in front of thousands of people on that Hot August Night. Don’t tell anyone, but I still do.
- Of course! What do you wish non-musicians would understand about the realities of being a muso?
I wish everyone could feel the buzz you get when you’re playing in front of a big crowd, and they are really loving your music. It is one of the best feelings and I’m sure that’s why really famous musos, that obviously don’t need the money, keep on touring - Pure joy!
Occasionally, the whole band gets into a real groove, where it’s almost like an out of body experience. Paul Kelly explained it really well in his book. You’re performing and you can feel the band become like a single entity. You know you are playing really well, and it becomes effortless. The feeling is fantastic! But, as soon as you notice you’re in the moment…it’s gone.
- From the sublime to the ridiculous: Image and music….
I couldn’t give a shit about my image or wearing the right fashion, but I have the luxury of being happy with what I’ve done musically, and not caring (much) about how others perceive me. Unfortunately, being ‘pretty’ has always been a benefit for musos, and people in general, but never more so than now. Today you just won’t get major play if you look like a Joe Cocker, Mark Knopfler or countless others from previous decades. So, I guess I won’t be getting major play – but I knew that.
I find it very sad, I’m sure that there is a ton of great music we will never get to hear because of that bias. I also find it disturbing that in our ‘more enlightened times’, a lot of women in music feel that they still have to be overtly sexy to get their music heard. If that’s part of who you are, then fine, go for it. But if you feel that you simply have to, just to compete, then that’s not right. But I’m a man, so what do I know?
- I agree, and I think it’s getting worse. Far too contrived for my liking. So, image and music…. Technology and music?
The other day I heard a new Frank Sinatra song. Not one that had been hidden away and just discovered - a brand-new song, complete with film clip.
Someone had fed a whole bunch of Frank Sinatra music and vision into a computer. The computer then wrote a song in the style of Frank Sinatra and they synced up old footage to make the clip.
The song itself was quite good, even if the lyrics weren’t great.
That, for me, is Frankenstein’s Monster stuff. When they perfect this technology, Spotify will have its dream of never having to pay actual artists ever again. They’ll just create their own ‘music’ in test-tubes in their basement laboratories. Millions of hours of soul-less music, I shudder at the thought.
- I get the feeling that Sinatra would have loathed it, actually. He was very particular. Anyway. You take a trip in a time machine to see one gig, and one gig only. Who will it be? Sinatra? Sherbet? Skyhooks? Rick Astley???
The Beatles at The Cavern in Liverpool. How cool would that be?! “Hey guys, I hear you’re looking to give Pete Best the boot. I can play drums and I’ve got so many song ideas, in this little book called The Beatles Complete.” For those that don’t know, there is a song-book called The Beatles Complete, that you can buy with guitar chords and sheet music for every Beatles song. I have my own treasured copy which is now over 40 years old. However, not EVERY Beatles song IS in it; Something is missing. Quite literally, George Harrison’s beautiful song, Something, isn’t in there! I feel ripped off and poor George got dudded on the songwriting again!
- It’s an outrage!
I feel better for having finally got that off my chest!
- Too right! I’m gonna start a petition or something to raise awareness…
Oh, I nearly forgot to plug my next release. The 1st of May, mark that down in your diaries, folks! Or input it into your smart fridges – whatever. My 4th song, The First Kiss, will be dropping! It’s a rock rollercoaster about that very first pash (That’s 80’s Aussie slang for kiss).
- Can’t wait to see – I mean, hear that one! Alrighty, must be time to hit the frog and toad….
Thank you so much for the interview, I really enjoyed it.
- Same here, and I have to say that I’m feeling inspired. You’re a great example of the adage that it’s never too late to start a career in music. If anyone is reading this, feeling wistful – give it a go! Why not. And best of luck with the new release when it’s out. Hope it goes off like a frog in a sock!
Just in case I didn’t throw in enough Aussie-ism’s: Too right! Ya little ripper! Bonza stuff!
- Mate! Deadset! YOUR SHOUT!
Two Aussies get thrown out of a bar for getting maggoted….
You can check out MIK’s Reaction on the Dangerous Indie Drive playlist here:
Pre-save The First Kiss here:
NAS 10 Questions with MIK's Reaction
This time, we get to know MIK's Reaction.
The track "World Of Thirds" is featured in the New Artist Spotlight Family of Playlists.
Link To New Artist Spotlight Playlists:
𝟭. Where are you from and what are your hobbies?
I live on the beautiful Central Coast of New South Wales. About an hour north of Sydney, Australia.
My hobbies are playing music, of course. But, I also enjoy computer games.
I don't have the reflexes to play Halo or Fortnite, I'm more into strategy games.
My favourite, for a loooong time, is Civilization IV. CIV V & VI are out but they just don't compare.
𝟮. How did your get into music?
I was born in Sydney, 2 days before The Beatles arrived for their tour.
I like to imagine that they followed a star and like 4 wise men, came to visit baby....me.
(Well, I am the son of a carpenter)
Anyhoo, I was singing along to my parents records since I can remember. It just always made me feel good.
As soon as I could, I was playing different instruments and writing songs. I just loved everything about it.
Some friends and I from school formed a band and that was even better. Performing before an audience that really digs your music is one of the best feelings in the world.
When we got tight we got regular gigs and thought we were on our way to stardom, but then life got in the way and I packed up my professional career, for over 20 years. Until I decidd to dust it off and have another crack at it.
𝟯. Who are your biggest influences?
You guessed it - The Beatles. I have a broad range of influences really, here's a brief list:
The Moody Blues, Cat Stevens (Yusuf), Paul Kelly, JJ Cale, Kevin Johnson
4. What are your goals in the music industry?
My goals are small and ever-changing. When I got back into it, my only real goal was to release some of the songs I've written throughout my life. Having done that, I wanted some people I didn't know to listen to, and like my music. That has now happened and my focus has been on new milestones like 1,000 plays. Then 5,000. Then 10,000. As I write this, I should be hitting 20,000 plays. I know I'm not setting the world on fire but I'm rubbing these 2 sticks together as hard as I can.
All I really want is to make enough money out of royalties so that I can release more music.
Being in the studio and creating something out of nothing is a real buzz!
5. If you could choose a location to perform at, what would it be?
How about (after a quick Google search showing the largest capacity venue in the world - 150K) Pyongyang, North Korea's Rungrado 1st of May Stadium?
Unlikely, for more than one reason.
I would actually love to play at The Cavern in Liverpool, that would be so cool. Imagine the history of that place.
6. What is your all-time favorite song?
There is no answer to that. There are way too many fantastic songs to just pick one. It also depends on the mood I'm in on the day.
7. Most embarrassing moment?
I don't really have an on-stage embarrasing moment. I've forgotten lyrics and fumbled chords etc. but everyone's done that and you just carry on like nothing happened and most people in the audience won't even notice.
8. Proudest accomplishment?
Releasing my debut single, Incredible To Me Now, at the age of 57, I've gotta be one of the oldest debutantes ever.
And I am really proud of the way it turned out. It is way better than I ever imagined.
9. What is something about you that might surprise someone who knows you the best?
I was born with a mullet and a tail.
If you believe that, would you like to buy some crypto currency?
I'm pretty much an open book, no surprises for anyone here - sorry.
𝟭𝟬. What is your dream collaboration?
I would love to write a song with my 2 favourite Paul's - McArtney & Kelly. These 2 guys can craft a song like no other. Their music is great, of course, but it is the lyrics which truly make these guys brilliant. I'd probably end up just sitting in a corner nodding and grinning foolishly.
Stream "World of Thirds" now
and follow their socials
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Penguin Press 1st November 2021
One World From A World Of Thirds? – Mik’s Reaction
Press, Press release / Door Maxime
MIK’s Reaction to governments and religious leaders
MIK’s Reaction’s follow up single to “Incredible To Me Now” is called “World Of Thirds” and it is a total banger from start to finish!
Their first song was their “Reaction” to Love lost and regret. This time they give us their “Reaction” to world leaders of all stripes and their inaction to help third world countries.
It is a genuine old school rocker!!
The song itself is powerful but when heard whilst watching the film clip, it becomes an epic tale of the actual selfish and cynical reasons behind the inaction of leaders.
Check it out on Youtube, you will not be disappointed.
Sitting around the house, playing my guitar during another Covid lockdown. I thought, bugger it, why not finally release some of this music you’ve been writing for years?
So, I pulled out a song I wrote in 1994 (27 years ago! Most people listening to it now, weren’t even born then). Don’t switch off now but, I am 57 years old!! (I can hear all those dinosaur jokes now – yes, they’re all very funny and no, honestly I haven’t heard them all before).
Too old to start now? NEVER!
I dusted off the first song, 'Incredible To Me Now' and took it to Lakehouse Audio, which just happens to be about a 10 minute walk from my place, on the beautiful Central Coast of NSW, Australia.
Simon Dobson produced the song beautifully. He has a brilliant musical mind and between us we turned that old tune of mine into a haunting modern piece, that I am exceptionally proud of.
The song itself came to me at a pretty dark time in my life. I was living alone in a shitty little flat that was full of cockroaches and working in a shitty job that I hated. I had also recently injured my back and so I was feeling particularly sorry for myself.
“Incredible” was a bit of a look back at the life I’d had before, albeit through rose coloured glasses – which I didn’t realise at the time, and a longing to have something like that again.
The haunting sound of “Incredible” comes from the conservative use of electric guitar with a drawn out effect and also from the keyboard.
Simon and I were discussing how 80’s sounds were really in at the moment. So he added an effect to the keyboard that was extremely 80’s. Then he said that 90’s stuff was starting to become popular again too.
So he “orchestrated” some more keyboard to go over the top. The combination of these two sounds makes the song what it is. Lyric’s are always important to me but you don’t listen to the lyrics if you don’t like the sound that comes with them.
So, there you go. That’s 'Incredible To Me Now'. I Hope you enjoy it, it’s been a hell of a long time in the making.